Virtual Vs. Visual

July 18, 2013

While I appreciate Apple gadgets, I think their latest ad is way over the top, so much so that the commercial is laughable. The company is taking itself way too seriously. Mike Leake uses this commercial to highlight the temptation to be disengaged because of distraction through technology. Years ago, Debbie and I were eating lunch. I was busy reading a magazine (old technology, I know) that had just arrived in the mail. She commented that she thought it was inappropriate to read through a meal while in the presence of a family member. She was right.

Along these same lines, I appreciated this article from several years ago by Tim Challies. I think it highlights some of the new temptations we are facing in our technologically saturated age.


October 29, 2012

Tim Challies grapples with the seduction of our technology. It is no surprise that the issue ultimately is about idolatry. But, not just idolatry in the sense that the new device offers greater functionality, but idolatry because of how these new devices make us feel.

We begin to see that the iPad, the Surface, and all these other gizmos and gadgets, are a matter of the heart, a matter of our relationship with the God who created us.

The Gospel transforms our lives. It not only frees us from the penalty of sin but it also empowers us for selfless love, radical obedience, and cheerful generosity. Jared Wilson explains.

John Piper’s ebook on Martin Luther is available for free in Kindle, Nook, and PDF form.

Here Tullian explores the danger of grace (weird thought, huh?):

I have three Bible apps on my iOS device. I have one that packs some study Bibles and commentaries. I have another one that I use to track down original language information. Finally, I have YouVersion. At various times I’ve been able to download all the major English translations for free (ESV, NIV, NLT, HCSB, The Message, NASB, Amplified, etc.). While the ESV is always free, most of the other translations can only be accessed while online. As God would have it, I’m often not online. This weekend from 12 a.m. 10/30 until 11:59 p.m 10/31 Central Time the NIV and NLT will be available for download. YouVersion is available for Android, Blackberry, and all iOS devices (iPod Touch, iPhone, iPad). Here’s more information.


July 20, 2011

Our new prayer list is up. Let’s not forget about the privilege and power of prayer.

Speaking of prayer, the Lord has blessed our Vacation Bible School this year. We have many more children than last year. Teri and her staff, as always, are doing a great job. Please continue to pray that the Lord sends children and that they are able to “hear” the gospel.

For those Mac aficionados, Lion, the next major Mac update is out today for the killer price of just $29. Will Windows 8 be $29 when it is released? Maybe in 10 years on eBay.

Finally, for those of you who live with me in Kindletopia, Amazon has a new deal where they’re selling 900 books for $0.99, $1.99, $2.99, and $3.99. More about what I find later.


July 19, 2011

Here’s a great, short piece by Ray Ortlund about a critical spirit. Here’s a quote:

When negativity about someone else pours out of our mouths, could we be exposing, without realizing it, our own evil?  If that irony dawns on us, we are ready to hear the gospel at a deeper level.

What is worldliness? I wanted to write my doctoral dissertation on the issue but my director advised against it saying that it was too difficult to define. Justin Taylor quotes David Wells’ description of worldliness. Here’s a rather helpful start:

that system of values, in any given age, which has at its center our fallen human perspective, which displaces God and his truth from the world, and which makes sin look normal and righteousness seem strange.

4 Things I’ve Learned about God through My Baby Who Was Born Blind.” This piece is a wonderful reminder of who our Father is.

I know God doesn’t have to, but I want so badly for baby Violet’s blindness to be a medium to display the POWER of God. I am hopeful that baby Violet’s disability will not be in vain.

It seems that Amazon is soon going to release a table like iPad. I bet it will be cheaper but will it be as snazzy. Also SimpleLight has come up with a great light for a Kindle. It runs off the Kindle battery. Cool.


June 2, 2011

If you click on only one link from this post, please read The Pitfall of perfectionism. Once again it is powerful reminder of our need for the gospel.

Here’s an article dealing with men, temptation, and the gospel. It highlights both the strengths and weakness of the male gender and how the gospel transforms men.

I love Seinfeld. In this post Eric Raymond connects an episode of Seinfeld to listening to sermons (or studying Scripture). He makes a good point. The purpose of sermons and study isn’t to gain new information; it is to be transformed. This, by the way, is why I don’t include sermon outlines in the bulletin.

Consider Jesus. He’s the One you’re looking for.

Kindletopia. Amazon is offering over 600 books for $0.99, $1.99, or $2.99. I’ve already bought more than I should. I’m getting to the place where I don’t think I’m going to be able to read all the book I have before I die. Here’s a piece on how to find free Christian books on Amazon.

Finally, for those of you who loathe those who constantly parrot the praises of the Mac, here’s an article detailing Apple’s inevitable demise. (Please note: I typically don’t scrounge around the Huffington Post.)


May 12, 2011

This month’s free book at Christian Audio is well worth listening to. It’s Tim Challies’ “The Next Story.” If you’re interested in thinking about the theory and theology of technology, don’t miss this free book.

Doug Wilson has written a short but provocative piece on how Christians should think about Bin Laden’s death.

Perhaps being “left behind” isn’t such a bad thing.

Sometimes people get the sense that Jesus and Paul were saying different things. Here Michael Horton dispels this false conception.